1 本次决赛题目由双泽翻译咨询公司和E5科技提供,共8个题目。题目在本通知内提供。
2 决赛选手拿到题目后,自主选择一个题目,自己搜集资料,准备一份演示文稿(ppt)。在决赛时,每个人的比赛时间为10分钟,其中演讲不超过5分钟,其它用来回答评委提问
3 决赛上场顺序根据复赛成绩,即复赛成绩好的选手晚出场。比赛预计将于上午8点半开始,前15名选手将于上午出场,后9名选手将于下午出场,决赛不再区分阶段。预计比赛将于下午4点结束。
4 复赛成绩将占决赛成绩的一定比例,具体比例将于7月20日下午举行的评委协调会上确定并在决赛之前宣布。
General Requirements for the Presentation:
This final competition adopts the form of PRESENTATION, which is divided into MONOLOGUE and QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. The total time length for each participant is 10 minutes, in which 5 minutes for the MONOLOGUE and 5 minutes for QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.
There are overall three topics you can choose among for the final competition. Please read carefully before choose.
The participants should hand in their chosen topic and the final version of their PPT one day ahead of the competition to the organization committee. If there is any need to replace the PPT on the very competition date, please feel free to contact us.
For further supplementary requirements, please refer to the specific cases.
For the slides, it is suggested that the following components should be your optional features, depending on your case choice:
1. Cover Page. (Topic chosen, names of the participant, name of school, Date)
2. An outline of the overall presentation of the SUBJECT.
3. Object/purpose of the Subject presentation.
4. Introduction of Subject.
5. Facts and interpretation.
6. Key points analysis.
7. Conclusion.
8. References (Internet sources, books, journals, the PPT of Project Management and Standardized Company Management lectured by SUNTHER days ago, and so on).
9. Final Words/ illustrations/ pictures.
You can do your presentation through using a lot of formats, such as statements, charts, pictures, examples etc., innovative ones are encouraged.
Oral Competition Cases:
Case One: Nowadays internships have become a big concern in more and more universities: it’s hard to find suitable enterprises to offer such opportunities or those enterprises could not offer such opportunities because of limited work space or other reasons. What’s your solution towards this situation? Please give an arrangement for your own internship.
Case Two: Nowadays, the craze for being a civil servant is gaining popularity among college students, what do you think of this phenomenon? Do you want to be a civil servant, why or why not?
Case Three: People in developed countries such as America and Germany focus more on living skills training than on subject education, what’s your comment on this?
Case Four: Have you had a working plan for your future and what’s that? What preparations have you made or would you make to realize your target?
Case Five: Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple tasks by the end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could finish them.
Case Six:Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.
Case Seven:Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of a project.
Case Eight:If you were interviewing someone for developer position, what traits would you look for?
Case Nine:If you were a 15-person team leader, how would you build and manage your developing team?